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Graph information

Field Internal name Type Warning Critical Info
Intermediate images intermediate_quantity gauge All unused images can be deleted with `docker image prune --all`
Images images_quantity gauge Images can be used in containers with `docker container create --name <NAME> <IMAGE_ID >` or `docker container run --name <NAME> <IMAGE_ID> <COMMAND>`
This field has the following extra information: sha256:bab187236b (gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:x86_64-943fc252, 2020-12-21T14:45:47.13168981Z, 63.72 MiB), sha256:c7f9867d67 (debian:12, 2024-09-27T04:29:20.341637282Z, 111.11 MiB), sha256:1ca455ff4e (debian:unstable, 2024-09-27T04:31:57.574174068Z, 120.46 MiB), sha256:49dacf328a (ghcr.io/cross-rs/armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf:main, 2024-10-04T00:29:31.162322486Z, 1650.31 MiB)
Dangling images dangling_quantity gauge 10 Dangling images can be deleted with `docker image prune`or tagged with `docker image tag <IMAGE_ID> <NAME>`
This page was generated by Munin version 2.0.73 at 2025-03-12 03:31:23+0000 (UTC) with MunStrap template.