daily graph
weekly graph
monthly graph
yearly graph

Graph information

This graph shows the number of processes

Field Internal name Type Warning Critical Info
sleeping sleeping gauge The number of sleeping processes.
idle idle gauge The number of idle kernel threads (>= 4.2 kernels only).
stopped stopped gauge The number of stopped or traced processes.
zombie zombie gauge The number of defunct ('zombie') processes (process terminated and parent not waiting).
dead dead gauge The number of dead processes.
paging paging gauge The number of paging processes (<2.6 kernels only).
uninterruptible uninterruptible gauge The number of uninterruptible processes (usually IO).
runnable runnable gauge The number of runnable processes (on the run queue).
total processes gauge The total number of processes.
This page was generated by Munin version 2.0.73 at 2024-10-18 05:31:20+0000 (UTC) with MunStrap template.