We are happy to announce the immediate availability of cfarm423, cfarm424, cfarm425, and cfarm426, all of which are aarch64 systems. They are hosted in Tokyo, Japan.

cfarm423 is a Radxa ROCK 5B, running Debian 13 trixie, with upstream u-boot and a custom (64K PAGESIZE) linux build that follows Debian 13's release.

The other 3 systems are virtual machines based on an Ampere Altra Max M128-30 system. Each VM has 64 cores and 64GB of memory and runs a different OS:

cfarm424: Debian 13 trixie
cfarm425: Debian testing-forever (currently this is Debian 13, but it will move to Debian 14 and so on)
cfarm426: Rocky 9

Storage for /home is plenty, all are on NVMe with ZFS's block level compression enabled: 4TB for cfarm423, 3TB each for the 3 VMs cfarm424~426.

This addition to the farm should provide good build times for highly parallel workloads on aarch64, and will provide low latency for users in Asia. Enjoy!